Yes, you can





You can prime your visitors to buy from you (without blogging until hell freezes over)


Get your dream clients lining up to work with you


Build an email list of BUYERS (not subscribers) from the get-go


Spending months writing 50,000-word ultimate guides


Scouring Amazon reviews, Quora and Reddit to find your ideal buyers’ fears, dreams and hopes


Wasting hours agonizing over what to say on your opt-in page



“Build an email list,” they said.

But you have barely discernible traffic and you have no clue about the best way to get opt-ins.

“Give something of value,” they said.

But that’s a very, very subjective term — value.

Whose value? What amount of value? What’s valuable to one is not to another.

Then there is the whole opt-in page mystery:

“Create an opt-in page to capture those leads,” they said.

But you just have no idea whether your page is good or not and what you should change.

And you don’t have enough traffic to A/B Test it properly.

You’ve been working for weeks and weeks (no exaggeration) on setting up a freebie and opt-in page. Yet, you’re still not happy with it.

Finally, you get over your perfectionist anxiety and put it out there.

Alas, the story doesn’t have a happy ending…

Hours spent on writing up an offer and then it all goes to waste. No opt ins worth mentioning. You don’t know what’s wrong. You think you probably need to keep creating offers until one of them works.


Do you want to sort through 66 million Google results on your own to find the

ONE method that will actually work, every single time?

There is so much confusing advice out there, but what is the best way to get an online business going?

Hey, maybe you should focus on blogging and guest posting and all of that. But you have that annoying burden known as “a life”.

Maybe you are working 9 to 5 and cannot really go full time on your online business (because you would have no money to live from if you quit just like that).

So limited time means more focused energy. But where should you direct your laser?


  • Write epic cornerstone articles for your blog and do SEO?
  • Become Gary Veynerchuck and creating awesome social media accounts?
  • Craft the perfect sales page and funnel?
  • Guest post, get subscribers and over-deliver with email marketing?
  • Just do affiliate marketing somehow?
  • Praying. A lot of praying?


Without sitting down with you, analysing every moving part of your business and mapping out your strategy, I can’t tell you what to do.

But here is what I CAN tell you:

Regardless of WHAT you decide to do to get traffic, ultimately it all leads to the same place:

Your opt-in. A page where you offer those visitors a free bonus in exchange for their email address.

All roads lead to Rome. And Rome, in the land of online business, is your opt-in.



Every month 543,000 new businesses get started.

Either you can procrastinate for months or you can get this sorted NOW – before they take away the market and saturate it with their shitty offers.

This is your chance to craft your opt-in and build your list of buyers.

Because by this time next quarter, 1.5 million new businesses will have sprung up.

So stop losing your customers to the competition.

And start the month with a sale.



  • If your opt-in offer doesn’t convert, you’ll get the traffic but won’t get them onto your list. Those visitors will look at your opt-in and click away. The traffic you spent months to acquire will slip through your fingers like sand.
  • Even if you get them onto your list, they won’t become buyers. If your opt-in offer isn’t strategically designed, it will attract freebie hoarders rather than serious buyers.
  • Every hour spent on a shitty opt-in offer is an hour away from money-making client work and product creation

And that is why I have developed a system to make sure none of the above happens to you.



The Fastest Method to Create a Buyer Catching

Opt-in Offer That Gets You a 50%+ Rate in 48 Hours

And here is the cool part:

Fast50 is the world’s first crowdsourcing process to get your ideal buyers to craft the perfect opt-in offer FOR you…

… while you (mostly) sit back, watch Marco Polo on Netflix, and somehow get all the credit as a marketing genius.

(But that will be our little secret. Shh…)



1. I’m Alp and I’m a lawyer-turned-marketing strategist.

Marketing, just like the law, is all about selling ideas.

Every time you open your mouth in court, you are trying to sell an idea to the judge. Every time you negotiate a contract, you are selling your client’s perspective to the other side. Everything you do IS selling.

So, crafting an irresistible opt-in offer is very similar to crafting a settlement agreement:

It’s all about understanding what the right offer is – what will get them to say “Yes, I need this. Forget everything else, I’m signing up right now. Can I borrow your pen?

Having a legal background also means that I bring the same ethical rigour to my marketing work as I do to my legal work.

I did not grow up in this internet marketing world where people promise you the stars and underwhelm you with the delivery. I take my agreements seriously. I do not promise you anything I cannot deliver.

2. My opt-in pages convert at 70% and I want to show you how to do the same.

When you understand what people really want and give it to them, people will not only opt in but spread the word about you.

I wanted to walk the talk, so I strategically designed an opt-in offer to prove this to you:

One of the people who subscribed then shared my opt-in page in someone else’s Facebook group out of her own volition. Her post got 117 likes and 41 comments and led to 349 new subscribers joining my list from that group.

Because I wasn’t the one promoting the opt-in offer, it didn’t come across as salesy. Instead, it instantly positioned me as a subject-matter expert who is also down-to-earth and relatable.

Here are two screenshots showing that:

And here is what people say about my opt-in offers:

3. I work with entrepreneurs who struggle with the black art of marketing and turn them into marketing mavens.

In fact, one of my clients boosted her opt-in rates by 5500% by using some of the strategies you’ll learn in this course.


4. I don’t just tell you what to do. I also show you what NOT to do (and WHY), so you know EXACTLY how to apply it all to your business.

But don’t take my word for it. Here is what clients and students have said about my teaching style:

I think Alp is brilliant. Every time he tells me “not that, this,” I get better and more confident in my own marketing.

Jen Gresham Founder -

I was very frustrated that I was spending time on tactics that didn’t bring me results. Alp helped me nail my positioning, gave me some amazing advice on problems that might arise and helped me find ways to overcome them.Now I know what to focus on and what to ignore. This saves me a lot of time and headache.

This is something people rarely do: Telling you exactly where to put in more work and even more importantly where to do less. That’s why I love learning from Alp! I would definitely recommend his work. He’s a great strategist and is terrific at seeing the big picture and explaining advanced concepts in an easy way.

Hilde Fossen Founder -

I’d heard some of the concepts Alp talked about before, but this time it really hit home because he taught me how to apply it to my specific problem areas. Hearing someone say you need to focus on this area first and nothing else really jolts you (in a good way!). It makes you realise, yes I do need to stay on task and focus.

Deitra Laniece Founder -

5. When I say “you cannot learn this anywhere else,” I can back that up.

I’ve invested over $60k into marketing training just this year with the best experts in the field.

(Some men buy watches. Cool men buy motorcycles. I buy workshops. Everyone needs a vice.)

You’re not just getting the benefit of that expertise at a fraction of the cost… You’re getting everything THEY failed to teach me and I had to figure out on my own, through months of trial and error.



The Promise of the Course is Simple:

You will auto-magically figure out the miracle cure to what really keeps your ideal buyers up at night like a caffeine IV-drip.

AND package that into an opt-in offer that converts.

In ONE weekend.

The Unfair Advantages of Taking the Course:

  • You will know-in-your-bones that you’re targeting the burning pains your ideal buyers would do ANYTHING to solve (not the one-sentence, watered-down pseudo-problems they tell you on surveys)
  • You always hit the bullseye on a solution they will actually use (hurray, testimonials!) AND
  • Your opt-in page will write itself, using words that literally come straight out of your ideal buyer’s mouth, so others like them immediately “get” it and actually see your fix as the miracle solution it is.

And we know all this to be true because in this course we’re not just getting into their heads, we’re actually getting them to create the whole thing for us.

(Yes, we’re sneaky like that…)

And you will do all this…

  • WITHOUT spending hours obsessing over what to say on your landing page;
  • WITHOUT scouring Amazon reviews, Quora and Reddit to uncover your prospects’ fears, dreams and hopes;
  • WITHOUT randomly guessing what they really want and how to package that into a compelling opt-in;
  • WITHOUT having to order a crystal ball from China because so far Buzzsumo and stalking comments left on other blogs haven’t yielded any earth-shattering insights.

I’m here to RESCUE you from that bullshit.

Other User-Friendly (A.K.A Insanely-Busy-Person-Who-Also-Has-A-Life-Friendly) Features:

  • The course is designed to be finished AND IMPLEMENTED in one weekend (so you can cross opt-in offers off your to-do list and move on)
  • All the lessons encourage imperfect action (so they don’t trigger “perfectionist anxiety overload”)
  • Everything is broken down into quick action items (which means the course is procrastination-proof… which means you get shit done)



Module 1: Friday Night

This is where you will unearth exactly what would make your ideal buyer dream, drool and helplessly opt in.

Lesson 1: Meet Dreamy (Your Ideal Buyer)

You’ll figure out who your ideal buyer is once and for all – WITHOUT doing any of those silly “avatar” exercises like guessing what jeans they wear and how they drink their coffee.

This will allow you to create an opt-in offer that will be irresistible to McDreamy (but repel freeloaders like an IRS audit).

Lesson 2: Understand What Would Make Dreamy Dream, Drool and Opt In

You’ll unearth the secret ingredients you need on your opt-in page, so that your ideal buyers cannot help but dream, drool and sign up.

The lesson includes a word-for-word script of the EXACT questions to ask to get Dreamy to give you those secret ingredients.

The genius of this approach is that you don’t have to guess what your ideal buyers really want and how to package that into an opt-in offer. Or waste hours scouring Amazon reviews, Quora and Reddit for market research.

Lesson 3: Create a “Shopping List” for Your Opt-In Page Using Dreamy’s Secret Ingredients

You’ll fill in the blanks on your “Shopping List Worksheet”, which is my signature process for taking Dreamy’s answers and turning them into jaw-dropping, attention-grabbing, purchase-inducing copy.

Once you have this Shopping List down, your opt-in page will write itself, using words that literally come straight out of your ideal buyer’s mouth so others like him immediately “get” why they need to sign up, right now.


Lesson 1: The “Litmus Test” Your Opt-In Offer Must Pass

I’ll show you exactly how to take the answers you got in Module 1 and package them into an opt-in offer that converts at 50%+.

You will also discover the “litmus test” your opt-in offer needs to pass so that people will actually use it, get results (hellooooo testimonials) and knock over doors to get their hands on your paid product.

Because if your opt-in offer isn’t priming them for the sale, creating it was a waste of your time.

Lesson 2: Write Your Opt-In Page Using “Paint-By-Numbers” Copywriting and Convert at 50%+

You’ll learn how to write a landing page that “sells” your opt-in offer in a way that instantly stops your ideal buyers in their tracks and gets them to sign up.

And you’ll do this in 10 minutes tops using your “Shopping List Worksheet” and paint-by-numbers copywriting.

Once you learn this process, you’ll never agonise over what to say on your landing page again.

Lesson 3: Test Before You Create

You’ll learn how to test your opt-in offer before you create it, so that you don’t waste hours building something that won’t convert.




Now you’ll create the opt-in offer itself (in under 2 hours). I’ll show you my signature process for crafting THE perfect solution to their burning problem (which gives them exactly what they need to get the results you promised).


Dreamy will take your opt-in offer for a test drive so that you get your first testimonial for your opt-in page.

You’ll work in Dreamy’s feedback, fix any hiccups and launch.


You’ll set up a system to automagically get feedback every time someone opts in. Once you understand what make them sign up, you can do more of that and remove whatever makes them click away.

You’ll also set up a system that motivates them to implement and gets you testimonials the minute they finish, so THEIR amazing results sell YOUR opt-in offer and position you as an expert that gets her students results.


Resource #1 - 1:1 Personal Strategy Session with Alp


We’ll have a 90-minute deep dive to get you started on the right foot. You walk out of the session with your target buyer, the problem you solve for them (your opt-in offer), and your value ladder all mapped out.

During this deep dive, I will also:

i) review your work,

ii) critique your opt-in page, and

iii) strategically position your opt-in offer

so that when your prospects come through and see your freebie, they will be more likely to buy your paid product.

The strategy session needs to be booked within 1 year from the date you purchased FAST50.

Resource #2 - Private FAST50 Community


This is where students help each other out, share their successes and workshop through each other’s problems. You can interact with all FAST50 students (and me) here.

Resource #3 - Copy/Paste Autoresponder Module


You’ll get copy-and-paste autoresponder templates for your opt-in offer, which will establish you as a subject-matter expert, prime your subscribers to buy from you and get testimonials for your freebie. Just swipe and deploy.

Resource #4 - Done-For-You Technical Implementation


My team will set up your complete list building funnel in the exact manner I recommend in Fast50.

They will also take care of all the tech stuff you hate, like installing your opt-in page, uploading your freebie, and setting up your autoresponder sequence.

(Prerequisite: You must have a self-hosted WordPress website – i.e. one that you installed on a domain that you own and on a hosting account. See the FAQ section for more info.)

Resource #5 - Done-For-You Infographic Creation


You will get a 1-page infographic version of your opt-in offer designed by my own designer.

Resource #6 - Four (4) Group Q&A Sessions


I designed this course to have as many interaction points with me as possible. So, in addition to the 1:1 Strategy Session, you’ll also have access to me through a series of LIVE Q&A sessions.

You can submit any questions for me to answer or pages for me to tear down or share where you are stuck and need help. Then the entire community will help you through your problem.

All calls will be recorded and made available to you if you are unable to attend.

Resource #7 - Twelve (12) List-Building Case Studies


Every month, we’ll showcase one FAST50 student via a video case study. Ordinary folks just like you and me who have had success. You’ll learn what they did and the results they experienced.

Then we’ll hand out all of their swipe copy and opt-in templates so you can model them in your business.





  Lifetime access to the full FAST50 Course

  1:1 Personal Strategy Session with Alp

  Lifetime Access to the private Fast50 Community

  Copy/Paste Autoresponder Module

  Done-For-You Technical Implementation

  Done-For-You Infographic Creation

  Participation in (4) Group Q&A Calls

  Access to (12) List Building Case Studies




  Lifetime access to the full FAST50 Course

  Lifetime Access to the private Fast50 Community

  Copy/Paste Autoresponder Module

  Participation in (2) Group Q&A Calls

X  1:1 Personal Strategy Session with Alp

X  Done-For-You Technical Implementation

X  Done-For-You Infographic Creation

X  Access to (12) List Building Case Studies




  Lifetime access to the full FAST50 Course

X  Lifetime Access to the private Fast50 Community

X  Copy/Paste Autoresponder Module

X  Participation in (2) Group Q&A Calls

X  1:1 Personal Strategy Session with Alp

X  Done-For-You Technical Implementation

X  Done-For-You Infographic Creation

X  Access to (12) List Building Case Studies

7-Day MANDATORY Refund Policy


FAST50 is designed to get you results quicker than any other system that exists.

In fact, if you don’t (at least) double your opt-in rate in the first 7 days, I require that you ask for a refund. (And I’ll let you keep the course and the bonuses.)

No joke. If you do the work and don’t double your opt-in rate in 7 days, I’ll give you your money back.

So, if you’re on the fence, buy it and focus on execution. I designed the course to be finished in 2 days, but I’m giving you a full week to try it risk-free. If the strategies don’t work for you, I’ll make you get a refund.



Try Fast50… RISK-FREE!

What happens if the course just doesn’t work for you?

If you aren’t 100% satisfied and don’t see significant results after giving it an honest effort, then we don’t deserve your money. Simply email support ( at any time to return the course and get your money back. We’ll verify that you actually did the work, provide any assistance possible, and send a full refund to you.

My goal is to make sure that you create a high-converting opt-in offer that attracts serious customers and primes them to buy from you. If you give FAST50 an honest effort and it doesn’t work, then I haven’t done my job and I don’t want your money.

Note: I stand by my course. I’m committed to your results. I want you to be committed too. So please come in to get results. If you are buying this course because you want a magic pill that will make your business grow really fast without you doing any of the work, FAST50 is totally NOT for you. We require that you actually do work. If you do opt to refund the course, we require you to submit a few basic assignments to show you given it an honest effort. If that isn’t something you’re cool with, we understand. This course probably isn’t a good fit for you.




Fast-forward to Sunday. You finished the course.

THIS IS YOU: While your competitors are still anguishing over their opt-in page because everything they write sounds artificial, you’re “busy” booking a massage (because your opt-in page already wrote itself, using words that literally came straight out of your ideal buyer’s mouth).

THIS IS YOU: Your peers ogle your opt-in rates with an OMG-you-must-have-sold-your-soul-to-the-devil-for-this expression.

THIS IS YOU: You wake up and see that your email list expanded steadily while you slept, filling up with all the right people. Every time you glance at your dashboard, the number looks… well, bigger. Like a lot. Like I-need-a-calculator big.

THIS IS YOU: You open your inbox and are greeted to 10 love notes from people who used your freebie, got incredible results and now want to buy your premium package (which you haven’t even created yet). You immediately copy & paste these into your opt-in and sales pages as testimonials, which, of course, makes your offers even sexier.

THIS IS YOU: You launch something and the minute you open the cart, you already have hungry buyers lined up to buy (because your opt-in offer primed them for the sale and if they got such amazing results from a freebie God knows what miracles your paid programmes must have in store for them).

THIS IS YOU: You no longer have to “hunt” for clients or desperately stalk other people’s Facebook groups like a hustler. Clients find you. In fact, you’re already booked for the year – time to put up a Waiting List.

And all those “experts” who didn’t even give you the time of day? Now they seek you out (because clearly you must know some deep, dark secret they don’t).

In short, you’ve become the marketing genius who always knows which opt-in offer will get your ideal buyers to dream, drool and helplessly opt in.


You have questions? Great. We have answers. 😃

The questions are ordered by category. Click on a question to view the answer.

I also extracted the questions I get asked the most for your convenience. You can find these at the top of the list:


Q. What makes Fast50 unique?

Three things:

1) Your potential customers will come up with your opt-in offer for you.

Don’t guess what your customers want. Don’t ask them what they want (they won’t tell you). Instead, get them to show you.

Fast50 is the only course that teaches you how to do this.

2) You will be designing an optin offer that is capable of getting a 50%+ optin rate.

3) You will do all this (figure out what to offer, write the optin page and craft the freebie) in ONE WEEKEND.

Q. Why should I care about getting my ideal buyers to create my opt-in offer for me?

Because frankly, I think being an entrepreneur is hard enough without also trying to be a mind-reader.

Do you really want to spend the next three months playing a guessing game by trying to read between the lines, analyse blog comments and survey responses, and somehow turn that into an actionable solution?

When you could just get your ideal buyer to do it for you?

Q. Will I have to pay my readers to craft this opt-in offer?


Q. How is this even possible?

That’s a trade secret. Buy the course and find out. 😉

Q. Why can’t I just buy another similar product or service?

Because there aren’t any. To the best of my knowledge, this is the world’s first step-by-step crowdsourcing process to get your future buyers to create your opt-in offer for you.

Q. But how can I be sure that this opt-in offer will work? How do I know that my ideal buyers will actually want to sign up for it?

Hello, they’re the ones designing it – literally.

Of course they will dream, drool and instantly opt in.

And now that it’s their baby, too, they will actually WANT to share it with their friends, because who doesn’t want to show off their masterpiece to the world?

And anyone who is NOT like them (that is: not a dream client) will avoid your opt-in offer like an IRS audit.

(Because you want buyers not readers. And certainly not zombies, freeloaders or nightmare clients.)

Q. Yeah, but I’m a horrible copywriter. I never know what to say to “sell” my freebie on my opt-in page. Will this still work for me?

Yes. That’s why Lesson 2 includes a step-by-step plug-and-play process to get your ideal buyer to write it for you.

I will give you the EXACT questions to ask to get the inside-scoop on all the juicy bits about their lives. (The quality of the answers you get depends on the quality of the questions you ask.)

I will also provide a fill-in-the-blanks template for your opt-in page. But what’s really cool is that I will then show you which parts of those answers to take and where to insert them on the template.

If you can hit “Ctrl+C” followed by “Ctrl+V” on your keyboard, “writing” your landing page will be exactly like painting-by-numbers.

Q. Is your material really that different from what’s already out there?

Yes! But, you don’t have to take my word for it:

It actually helped us. A very well known blogger/consultant, who shall remain nameless, recently had a webinar we listened in on and it was merely this person giving a 30 minute talk on how wonderful they were, before offering a discount on their next product with no real information shared.

Alp is great at seeing the big picture.

I think the small amounts of tough love he gives and his true understanding of having an online business is a great mix.

Alp is amazing at digging out the real problems so you don’t spend time on useless tactics but actually get to the bottom of things.

The path to the answer I’m looking for turned out to be much shorter than what I was previously recommended.

He is terrific at saying the things you need to hear so that you actually understand what you need to do.

Q. “Surely, I need to have my website up before I can create an opt-in offer - no?"

This is a very dangerous thought, which could kill your online business before you start it. So I want to challenge that assumption.

Jon Morrow did the same thing to me when I was starting out – and it was the best piece of business advice I got last year.

Here is what he told me:

“You don’t need a website or blog to have an opt-in offer.” In fact, he argues you shouldn’t even launch your blog (i.e. write blog posts for your own website) until you have your first 1000 subscribers. (That’s a bit extreme, but I see his point.)

What you should do instead is this:

Put up a “Coming Soon” page, which offers your freebie in exchange for their email address.

Benefits of doing this:

1) You’ll start collecting subscribers from Day 1, long before your website is “ready”.

2) That “Coming Soon” page will actually convert much better than your website, because it is set up as a landing page with no distractions.

You give visitors a binary choice: Opt in or leave.

According to Jon Morrow, on average, about 20% of the visitors who hit your Coming Soon Page will subscribe to the prelaunch list.

If you set it up as a Fast50 style optin page, it can convert at 50%+.

But I’ve never seen a homepage convert above 20% – and that’s for specially designed “upside-down” home pages, which are essentially quasi-landing pages.

Most homepages convert below 5%.

So, ironically, from a conversion perspective you are better off having a “Coming Soon” page than a website.


1) Free method:

Just a free WordPress theme like LaunchEffect, and you’ll have it up and running in less than an hour. You can download it here:

2) Faster method:

Create the Coming Soon page using an optin/landing page template on ThriveLeads or LeadPages. You already own the domain. You just redirect your domain to that landing page, so every time someone types your domain they end up on the Coming Soon page.

3) Fastest method:

Buy the Complete Edition.

Go through Fast50 and create your optin in one weekend. Then my team will create the coming soon page + set up the tech and opt-in funnel for you (if you’re using WordPress).

If you purchase the Complete Edition, we can have the consultation either:

(a) To help you figure out your optin and value ladder. → This means we’ll have the consultation after you go though Fast50, but before my team sets up the Coming Soon page


(b) To fine-tune your offer —> This means we’ll have the consultation after your Coming Soon page and opt-in offer are up.

There you go. Don’t let this hold you back. Hit the ground running.

Now, which other marketer do you know who gives you an action-packed mini guide on a sales page? 😉

Q. I have more questions. How can I get in touch?

If you have any questions about Fast50, I’d love to help out. You can always reach me at


Q. What makes Fast50 unique?

Three things:

1) Your potential customers will come up with your opt-in offer for you.

Don’t guess what your customers want. Don’t ask them what they want (they won’t tell you). Instead, get them to show you.

Fast50 is the only course that teaches you how to do this.

2) You will be designing an optin offer that is capable of getting a 50%+ optin rate.

3) You will do all this (figure out what to offer, write the optin page and craft the freebie) in ONE WEEKEND.

Q. How can I be sure that “Fast50 is the world’s first crowd-creation process to get your ideal buyers to craft the perfect opt-in offer FOR you…”?

Great question!

I know it’s the world’s first crowd-creation process, because I obsessively bought every course on opt-in offers out there and systematically went through them.

I have also invested $60,000 in various online marketing courses, workshops and live training over the last 12 months. To the best of my knowledge, no other programme covers this.

Incidentally, I think that is why most opt-in offers can’t get above 20% conversion (the industry benchmark for online businesses is 5-10%):

Those optins are crafted by the business owners themselves (i.e. YOU), which means they have to guess what their buyers want. Instead, you should let your future buyers call the shots.

This way, you are much more likely to create something your future buyers will actually want to sign up for.

Q. Is your material really that different from what’s already out there?

Yes! But, you don’t have to take my word for it:

It actually helped us. A very well known blogger/consultant, who shall remain nameless, recently had a webinar we listened in on and it was merely this person giving a 30 minute talk on how wonderful they were, before offering a discount on their next product with no real information shared.

Alp is great at seeing the big picture.

I think the small amounts of tough love he gives and his true understanding of having an online business is a great mix.

Alp is amazing at digging out the real problems so you don’t spend time on useless tactics but actually get to the bottom of things.

The path to the answer I’m looking for turned out to be much shorter than what I was previously recommended.

He is terrific at saying the things you need to hear so that you actually understand what you need to do.


Q. Will this course continue to be updated? And will I get free access to the future versions?

Yes! It will be updated on a regular basis. All updates are free.

Our #1 goal this year at Trial & Eureka is to help 200 students get a 50%+ opt-in rate. We will continue to streamline and improve the course to get people results.

Q. How much more is in the course course vs what you already put on your blog?

Think of a blog post as a chapter from a book, and FAST50 as the entire college class.

The course goes into MUCH more detail, with case studies, worksheets, templates, and video tutorials on every single step.

Blogs are flat. Singularly focused on tactics. The course is a dynamic SYSTEM and specifically engineered to boost your opt-in rate over time with easily repeatable strategies.

Q. Do I need an autoresponder (Mailchimp, ConvertKit, InfusionSoft, etc)?


“Do I need autoresponder software (Mailchimp, ConvertKit, InfusionSoft, etc)? I am still starting out and haven’t spent a dollar on the email marketing. I’m afraid it would cost too much and may not get results quickly. Any suggestions?”


Yes, you will need an autoresponder (a.k.a. an email service provider).

If you have limited funds, Mailchimp has a free version (up to 2000 email subscribers). It has everything you need for Fast50.

If you can spare $30/month, I recommend ConvertKit.

$29/m for your first 1000 subs, but it makes life so much easier. And with 1000 subs and reasonably good marketing skills, you should be bringing in about $1000 in monthly revenue anyway.

If your business is already making 6-figures: Use Active Campaign.

You certainly don’t need ActiveCampaign for this course! However, it will make scaling a lot easier as your marketing automation gets more sophisticated. It’s great for trigger-based targeting, segmentation and if-then style automation. (If this whole paragraph sounded like gibberish, you probably DON’T need ActiveCampaign at this point.)

One final note: Don’t buy ConfusionSoft – excuse me: InfusionSoft. Just don’t. Ever. You’ll thank me.

Q. How can I be sure that “Fast50 is the world’s first crowd-creation process to get your ideal buyers to craft the perfect opt-in offer FOR you…”?

Great question!

I know it’s the world’s first crowd-creation process, because I obsessively bought every course on opt-in offers out there and systematically went through them.

I have also invested $60,000 in various online marketing courses, workshops and live training over the last 12 months. To the best of my knowledge, no other programme covers this.

Incidentally, I think that is why most opt-in offers can’t get above 20% conversion (the industry benchmark for online businesses is 5-10%):

Those optins are crafted by the business owners themselves (i.e. YOU), which means they have to guess what their buyers want. Instead, you should let your future buyers call the shots.

This way, you are much more likely to create something your future buyers will actually want to sign up for.

Q. Why should I care about getting my ideal buyers to create my opt-in offer for me?

Because frankly, I think being an entrepreneur is hard enough without also trying to be a mind-reader.

Do you really want to spend the next three months playing a guessing game by trying to read between the lines, analyse blog comments and survey responses, and somehow turn that into an actionable solution?

When you could just get your ideal buyer to do it for you?

Q. How would I find potential customers who would design the opt-in freebie?

Module 1 covers this in exhaustive detail.

The best part?

You won’t have to do a single “customer avatar” exercise, where you guess what kind of coffee they order at Starbucks.

Q. Will I have to pay my readers to craft this opt-in offer?


Q. Questions about crowdsourcing: “Fast50 shows me how to get my ideal buyers to design the opt-in. What if…”

QUESTION: “I don’t know anyone who would make an ideal customer. Will I be shown how to find this person?”

ANSWER: Yes, Module 1 covers this in exhaustive detail.


QUESTION: “My customers don’t know what they want. How will they help me create this opt-in?”

LONGER VERSION OF THE QUESTION: “Even if I thought of one person, my customers really don’t know what they want.”

When I ask my readers/customers to describe what their day would be like without the issue/problem, they say very generic things like, “I’d be happier, I wouldn’t worry so much, I’d be able to enjoy being around people more, I wouldn’t be so anxious or scared or sad all the time”, etc.

Even if I tell them to go into detail and try to describe it from the moment they wake up or give a specific example… it’s hard for them to imagine. So will I be able to find a “Dreamy” that can be as clear and precise and specific as I need her to be?

“Since this looks like it’s step 1, if I can’t find a ‘Dreamy’, the rest of the course seems to be useless to me since it all hinges on Dreamy’s input.”


This is actually a very common problem.

Most people don’t realise that there is an Art of Asking. If you ask the right question in the wrong way, you don’t get a satisfying answer – or worse, you get a misleading answer.

I’m good at this because as a dual-qualified lawyer I’m professionally trained to negotiate and cross-examine using psychology. In other words, I ask questions for a living. 🙂

After talking with a lot of entrepreneurs, I realised that the reason they struggled was because nobody ever taught them how to interview people for market research.

That’s why in Fast50 I give you the EXACT questions to ask.

In Module 1 Lesson 4, you have a video which walks you through the process.

You also get a 12-page document that holds you by the hand and shows you which questions to ask, explains why you’re asking those questions, and teaches you how to package the answers you get into your optin:

“Ok, this is the ingredient you want on your opt-in page. Now to get that, this is the question you ask. And here is the psychology behind phrasing it that way.

If you ask and this happens, that’s because you triggered this psychological defence and you need to come at it from a different angle. You can do that by asking this question next.

And here are five other ways to ask the same question depending on what would feel the most natural in that particular conversation.”

In short, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. 😉

Q. But how can I be sure that this opt-in offer will work? How do I know that my ideal buyers will actually want to sign up for it?

Hello, they’re the ones designing it – literally.

Of course they will dream, drool and instantly opt in.

And now that it’s their baby, too, they will actually WANT to share it with their friends, because who doesn’t want to show off their masterpiece to the world?

And anyone who is NOT like them (that is: not a dream client) will avoid your opt-in offer like an IRS audit.

(Because you want buyers not readers. And certainly not zombies, freeloaders or nightmare clients.)

Q. How much time will it take to complete the course?

It takes a complete beginner with a go-getter attitude exactly ONE weekend to finish AND implement FAST50.

(But you don’t HAVE to do it over a single weekend. You can spread the execution over a couple of days without reducing the material’s effectiveness.)

If you are an online business veteran, and you have a good read on your target market and solid grasp of marketing, it will take you a lot less time. The implementation part will take about 3-5 hours.

Just to give you an idea, I can go through the entire process in about 2.5 hours. (Yes, I have actually tested it.) I also had one student with an established business complete it in 5 hours. But if you’re just starting out, expect it to take two full days.

The course comes with a suggested timetable. You always know what you’ll do next and how long it should take you, so you can plan ahead.


Q. Would this work in my niche / industry?

Smart question! You’ve been burned before, haven’t you? 😉

I agree with you 100%. Not every template works for every business. I thought about this when I was designing the course. How could I ensure this would work in different niches?

That’s why Fast50 focuses on getting your ideal buyer to design the opt-in for you: Your market knows best what they want.

Since they are the ones designing your opt-in offer – literally – it’s much more likely to be something they intensely desire.

Now that it’s their baby, too, they will actually WANT to share it with their friends, because who doesn’t want to show off their masterpiece to the world?

And anyone who is NOT like them (that is: not a dream client) will avoid your opt-in offer like an IRS audit.

Clever, right? 😉

Q. “I don’t have a website yet.”


“Surely, I need to have my website up before I can an opt-in offer – no?”


This is a very dangerous thought, which could kill your online business before you start it. So I want to challenge that assumption.

Jon Morrow did the same thing to me when I was starting out – and it was the best piece of business advice I got last year.

Here is what he told me:

“You don’t need a website or blog to have an opt-in offer.” In fact, he argues you shouldn’t even launch your blog (i.e. write blog posts for your own website) until you have your first 1000 subscribers. (That’s a bit extreme, but I see his point.)

What you should do instead is this:

Put up a “Coming Soon” page, which offers your freebie in exchange for their email address.

Benefits of doing this:

1) You’ll start collecting subscribers from Day 1, long before your website is “ready”.

2) That “Coming Soon” page will actually convert much better than your website, because it is set up as a landing page with no distractions.

You give visitors a binary choice: Opt in or leave.

According to Jon Morrow, on average, about 20% of the visitors who hit your Coming Soon Page will subscribe to the prelaunch list.

If you set it up as a Fast50 style optin page, it can convert at 50%+.

But I’ve never seen a homepage convert above 20% – and that’s for specially designed “upside-down” home pages, which are essentially quasi-landing pages.

Most homepages convert below 5%.

So, ironically, from a conversion perspective you are better off having a “Coming Soon” page than a website.


1) Free method:

Just a free WordPress theme like LaunchEffect, and you’ll have it up and running in less than an hour. You can download it here:

2) Faster method:

Create the Coming Soon page using an optin/landing page template on ThriveLeads or LeadPages. You already own the domain. You just redirect your domain to that landing page, so every time someone types your domain they end up on the Coming Soon page.

3) Fastest method:

Buy the Complete Edition.

Go through Fast50 and create your optin in one weekend. Then my team will create the coming soon page + set up the tech and opt-in funnel for you (if you’re using WordPress).

If you purchase the Complete Edition, we can have the consultation either:

(a) To help you figure out your optin and value ladder. → This means we’ll have the consultation after you go though Fast50, but before my team sets up the Coming Soon page


(b) To fine-tune your offer —> This means we’ll have the consultation after your Coming Soon page and opt-in offer are up.

There you go. Don’t let this hold you back. Hit the ground running.

Now, which other marketer do you know who gives you an action-packed mini guide on a sales page? 😉

Q. Do I need an autoresponder (Mailchimp, ConvertKit, InfusionSoft, etc)?


“Do I need autoresponder software (Mailchimp, ConvertKit, InfusionSoft, etc)? I am still starting out and haven’t spent a dollar on the email marketing. I’m afraid it would cost too much and may not get results quickly. Any suggestions?”


Yes, you will need an autoresponder (a.k.a. an email service provider).

If you have limited funds, Mailchimp has a free version (up to 2000 email subscribers). It has everything you need for Fast50.

If you can spare $30/month, I recommend ConvertKit.

$29/m for your first 1000 subs, but it makes life so much easier. And with 1000 subs and reasonably good marketing skills, you should be bringing in about $1000 in monthly revenue anyway.

If your business is already making 6-figures: Use Active Campaign.

You certainly don’t need ActiveCampaign for this course! However, it will make scaling a lot easier as your marketing automation gets more sophisticated. It’s great for trigger-based targeting, segmentation and if-then style automation. (If this whole paragraph sounded like gibberish, you probably DON’T need ActiveCampaign at this point.)

One final note: Don’t buy ConfusionSoft – excuse me: InfusionSoft. Just don’t. Ever. You’ll thank me.

Q. “But my readers don’t know what they want. Will Fast50 work for me?"

Please see the answer to “Questions about crowdsourcing: Fast50 shows me how to get my ideal buyers to design the opt-in. What if…”.

Q. Yeah, but I’m a horrible copywriter. I never know what to say to “sell” my freebie on my opt-in page. Will this still work for me?

Yes. That’s why Lesson 2 includes a step-by-step plug-and-play process to get your ideal buyer to write it for you.

I will give you the EXACT questions to ask to get the inside-scoop on all the juicy bits about their lives. (The quality of the answers you get depends on the quality of the questions you ask.)

I will also provide a fill-in-the-blanks template for your opt-in page. But what’s really cool is that I will then show you which parts of those answers to take and where to insert them on the template.

If you can hit “Ctrl+C” followed by “Ctrl+V” on your keyboard, “writing” your landing page will be exactly like painting-by-numbers.

Q. I’d love to buy Fast50, but I am on course overload. I currently have 2 others that are unfinished. What should I do?

I definitely hear you on that one! That’s actually why I designed Fast50 this way.

First, it’s designed to be completed in one weekend, so it won’t take long. You’ll get it done and out of the way.

Second, that momentum will help you to finish your other courses.

Third, once you have an opt-in offer that converts, it acts as a “web” on your website – catching your visitors and turning them into subscribers. So your list continues to grow while you’re working on other aspects of your business.

Here is how I calculate the trade-off myself when I need to decide whether to implement something now or later:

Ok, so those two unfinished courses will take me 2 months to finish. I can either:

a) Wait 2 months and fix my opt-in later. But then I miss out on the chance to help all the readers who might come to my website during those two months.


b) I can take 2 days out now, create my opt-in and then work on something else, with the peace of mind that people who are my tribe and who need my help and who would be thrilled to buy from me are finding their way in.

For me personally, a 2-day delay is a worthwhile trade-off for those subscribers – especially if my unfinished projects have already been sitting on my shelf for a couple of months.

But ultimately, you’re the entrepreneur. It’s something you have to decide for yourself. 🙂

Q. I love Fast50. But I’m in extreme execution mode right now and have pledged not to buy any new courses until I get to 2,000 subscribers.

That’s exactly why you need Fast50, right now.

What do you think is the fastest way to grow your list?

Doubling your traffic (which takes months) or doubling the rate at which the traffic you do get signs up (which you can do in one weekend)?

If you boost your opt-in rate from 5% to 50%, then your list will grow 10 times faster.

That means you’ll get to your goal of 2,000 subscribers [or insert number of your choice] 10 times faster without working any harder.

Q. What if I’m literally starting from step 0? No audience. No products.

That’s ok. FAST50 is specifically engineered to take people who are just starting out and show the exact steps you need to get your online business off the ground.

Your opt-in offer is the first thing you need to figure out before you do anything else in your business.

Before you do any marketing. (Where are you going to drive those visitors to if you don’t have an opt-in?)

Before you even finish your website. (Just put up a “Coming Soon” page where you offer a bonus resource in exchange for the visitor’s email address. Start getting prospects in through the door before your website is “ready”.)

However, you DO need a business idea.

For example, if you’re thinking of starting a business but you don’t have any idea what it’s going to be on, you’re not ready for FAST50.

You do need to know (roughly) who you want to help and what you will help them with.

For example, you need to be able to fill in the blanks here: “I help [WHO] with [TOPIC]” or “I help [WHO] get rid of [PROBLEM], so that they can [RESULT].”

It’s okay if it’s a bit hazy. It’s okay if you don’t have the perfect words. It’s okay if you haven’t found the right niche and positioning yet.

The FAST50 framework will help you zero-in on that. (In other words, FAST50 won’t help you find a business idea, but it will refine and position your idea. It will help package your expertise into an opt-in.)

It’s also okay if you don’t have any subscribers or anything to sell yet.

Q. What if I already have 1,000+ subscribers on my list? Will the course still work for me?

It depends. Are you still hungry?

If so, yes!

One note: If you have more than 5,000 email subscribers, don’t buy FAST50. (I have a faster method for you. Drop me an email.)


Q. Why should I buy Fast50 now (rather than later)?

Five reasons not to procrastinate:

1) Fixing your opt-in rate in one weekend will give you momentum to tackle the other aspects of your business.Progress encourages progress. And it’s addictively motivating.

2) Once your opt-in is working properly, every hour you put into traffic generation will yield higher ROI because you are converting more of those visitors into subscribers and buyers.

3) Also: You are the type of person who is an action-taker, right? 😉

Those are the main reasons you should take action now.

However, to be completely transparent, I have to mention two other points as well:

4) I will be significantly raising the prices the next time I launch this. Most of the beta students said they would have expected to pay a lot more for the course.

But again, don’t take my word for it. Here is a direct screenshot from the beta survey:

Q. “I need to have my website up before I create an opt-in offer.”

This is a very dangerous thought, which could kill your online business before you start it. So I want to challenge that assumption.

Jon Morrow did the same thing to me when I was starting out – and it was the best piece of business advice I got last year.

Here is what he told me:

“You don’t need a website or blog to have an opt-in offer.” In fact, he argues you shouldn’t even launch your blog (i.e. write blog posts for your own website) until you have your first 1000 subscribers. (That’s a bit extreme, but I see his point.)

What you should do instead is this:

Put up a “Coming Soon” page, which offers your freebie in exchange for their email address.

Benefits of doing this:

1) You’ll start collecting subscribers from Day 1, long before your website is “ready”.

2) That “Coming Soon” page will actually convert much better than your website, because it is set up as a landing page with no distractions.

You give visitors a binary choice: Opt in or leave.

According to Jon Morrow, on average, about 20% of the visitors who hit your Coming Soon Page will subscribe to the prelaunch list.

If you set it up as a Fast50 style optin page, it can convert at 50%+.

But I’ve never seen a homepage convert above 20% – and that’s for specially designed “upside-down” home pages, which are essentially quasi-landing pages.

Most homepages convert below 5%.

So, ironically, from a conversion perspective you are better off having a “Coming Soon” page than a website.


1) Free method:

Just a free WordPress theme like LaunchEffect, and you’ll have it up and running in less than an hour. You can download it here:

2) Faster method:

Create the Coming Soon page using an optin/landing page template on ThriveLeads or LeadPages. You already own the domain. You just redirect your domain to that landing page, so every time someone types your domain they end up on the Coming Soon page.

3) Fastest method:

Buy the Complete Edition.

Go through Fast50 and create your optin in one weekend. Then my team will create the coming soon page + set up the tech and opt-in funnel for you (if you’re using WordPress).

If you purchase the Complete Edition, we can have the consultation either:

(a) To help you figure out your optin and value ladder. → This means we’ll have the consultation after you go though Fast50, but before my team sets up the Coming Soon page


(b) To fine-tune your offer —> This means we’ll have the consultation after your Coming Soon page and opt-in offer are up.

There you go. Don’t let this hold you back. Hit the ground running.

Now, which other marketer do you know who gives you an action-packed mini guide on a sales page? 😉

Q. I’d love to buy Fast50, but I am on course overload. I currently have 2 others that are unfinished. What should I do?

I definitely hear you on that one! That’s actually why I designed Fast50 this way.

First, it’s designed to be completed in one weekend, so it won’t take long. You’ll get it done and out of the way.

Second, that momentum will help you to finish your other courses.

Third, once you have an opt-in offer that converts, it acts as a “web” on your website – catching your visitors and turning them into subscribers. So your list continues to grow while you’re working on other aspects of your business.

Here is how I calculate the trade-off myself when I need to decide whether to implement something now or later:

Ok, so those two unfinished courses will take me 2 months to finish. I can either:

a) Wait 2 months and fix my opt-in later. But then I miss out on the chance to help all the readers who might come to my website during those two months.


b) I can take 2 days out now, create my opt-in and then work on something else, with the peace of mind that people who are my tribe and who need my help and who would be thrilled to buy from me are finding their way in.

For me personally, a 2-day delay is a worthwhile trade-off for those subscribers – especially if my unfinished projects have already been sitting on my shelf for a couple of months.

But ultimately, you’re the entrepreneur. It’s something you have to decide for yourself. 🙂

Q. I love Fast50. But I’m in extreme execution mode right now and have pledged not to buy any new courses until I get to 2,000 subscribers.

That’s exactly why you need Fast50, right now.

What do you think is the fastest way to grow your list?

Doubling your traffic (which takes months) or doubling the rate at which the traffic you do get signs up (which you can do in one weekend)?

If you boost your opt-in rate from 5% to 50%, then your list will grow 10 times faster.

That means you’ll get to your goal of 2,000 subscribers [or insert number of your choice] 10 times faster without working any harder.

Q. Do I need an autoresponder (Mailchimp, ConvertKit, InfusionSoft, etc)?


“Do I need autoresponder software (Mailchimp, ConvertKit, InfusionSoft, etc)? I am still starting out and haven’t spent a dollar on the email marketing. I’m afraid it would cost too much and may not get results quickly. Any suggestions?”


Yes, you will need an autoresponder (a.k.a. an email service provider).

If you have limited funds, Mailchimp has a free version (up to 2000 email subscribers). It has everything you need for Fast50.

If you can spare $30/month, I recommend ConvertKit.

$29/m for your first 1000 subs, but it makes life so much easier. And with 1000 subs and reasonably good marketing skills, you should be bringing in about $1000 in monthly revenue anyway.

If your business is already making 6-figures: Use Active Campaign.

You certainly don’t need ActiveCampaign for this course! However, it will make scaling a lot easier as your marketing automation gets more sophisticated. It’s great for trigger-based targeting, segmentation and if-then style automation. (If this whole paragraph sounded like gibberish, you probably DON’T need ActiveCampaign at this point.)

One final note: Don’t buy ConfusionSoft – excuse me: InfusionSoft. Just don’t. Ever. You’ll thank me.


Q. FAST50 STARTER EDITION: When is the course? Is it on my own time or is there a set start date? Do I get lifetime access?

Fast50 is designed so that you can finish it in one weekend, but you don’t have to. It’s a self-study course and you get lifetime access to the materials.

Q. FAST50 COMPLETE EDITION: What exactly is included in the Done-For-You Technical Implementation?

My team will set up a complete list building funnel on your website, in the exact manner I recommend in Fast50.

This funnel will get new visitors to subscribe to your emailing list and deliver your opt-in freebie to them (WITHOUT you having to touch a single piece of tech).

If you hate tech – or if you believe WordPress hates you – this is Heaven.

Here is what your list building funnel includes:

1) Fast50-style Opt-in Page (where visitors sign up to receive your freebie)

2) Confirmation Page (which tells them exactly what they need to do next to confirm their subscription, so they actually show up on your email list)

3) Opt-in Confirmation Email (which has the confirmation link. Clicking this link will confirm their subscription and take them to the Download Page.)

Note: If you are in the EU, you are legally required to have this 2-step process (known as a “double opt-in”).

4) Download Page (where they can download your freebie after confirming their subscription).

5) Welcome Email + 3 autoresponder emails scheduled in your autoresponder (See the “Copy/Paste Autoresponder Module” above for details).

6) Complimentary access to software required for your funnel: ThriveLeads ($67) and Thrive Landing Pages ($67)

This is the landing page software pair you need for your funnel. By purchasing the Complete Edition, you get free access and my team will install them for you.

I am able to offer this because I own a marketing agency called Trial & Eureka, which has agency license to all of Thrive’s software suite. This licence allows us to install their software on client websites.

Note: We use ThriveLeads and Thrive Landing Pages, because the Thrive software is light-years ahead of LeadPages. These Thrive plugins work with any WordPress theme.

If you wanted to do this on your own, you would have to pay $134 for the software alone ($67 + $67).

Q. FAST50 COMPLETE EDITION: Do I need a WordPress site? My site runs on a different platform.

You can still buy the Complete Edition to get access to the Done-For-You Infographic Creation and the Copy/Paste Autoresponder Module. You will also benefit from all the other resources, like the 1:1 Strategy Session and the 12 List Building Case Studies.

However, we won’t be able to set up your funnel (so, no Done-For-You Technical Implementation).

This is because the Thrive software we use to build your funnel only works with self-hosted WordPress sites.

To benefit from the Done-For-You Technical Implementation, you must have a self-hosted WordPress website – i.e. one that you installed on a domain that you own and on a hosting account.

Q. FAST50 COMPLETE EDITION: Do I need a specific WordPress theme?

No. The software we use to build your funnel works with any WordPress theme (free or premium).

Q. FAST50 COMPLETE EDITION: Is there an expiry date for the consultation call with you?

The strategy session needs to be booked before 2018. So you have the entire year. 😉

Q. Why is the price so low?

Because I spent $60,000+ running from expert to expert to figure this out – and it sucked.

Worse still, none of those so-called “experts” got me anywhere close to a 50% opt-in rate.

I swore that if I ever figured it out, I would make it accessible to as many people as possible.

Because it is NOT ok to have a 5% opt-in rate (the industry benchmark).

It is NOT ok that you are spending all this time trying to SERVE and 95% of your ideal clients are running away screaming from your opt-in page.

I understand that price can be a barrier sometimes.

And I don’t want you to go back to (or never get a chance to escape from) that job you hate, because you don’t have any organs left to sell to afford another thousand dollar course.

Q. Can I afford this right now?

At the end of the day, that’s a question you have to answer.

If you can’t buy groceries to put food on the table tonight, DON’T buy this course. Go get a delivery job and make money so your family doesn’t starve.

But I will challenge you on one thing…

Instead of thinking about how much ANY item costs, ask yourself how much does it cost in relation to how much money it makes you.

For example, if you take a college class that costs $1,000 and as a result you can go out next week and make $10,000 in income, would you pay for it? Absolutely!

It’s not about the bottom-line cost. It’s about the return on that investment.

Think about how much you have already invested into online business courses and list-building strategies, and why things still aren’t moving fast enough.

Would you rather stay stuck for another year and let all those thousands of dollars you’ve already invested go to waste…

… or address the bottleneck (namely: your opt-in rate) which is slowing everything down?

Fix your opt-in offer, and it will trickle down to every other aspect of your business – from the return on your marketing, to your list growth, to your launch revenue.

Q. Which currency are those prices? Are they in USD?

The prices are in USD.

This is a public service announcement for my Canadian friends, who always hate it when prices are just listed with a generic dollar sign.

Q. What happens after I buy?

First, you will get an email from me with the subject line “Thank you for investing in Fast50. Now I want to give you your money back.” (Ooh exciting, eh?)

Then, I will say “open sesame” and you’ll get immediate access to a secure membership area in which all the trainings & bonuses auto-magically appear.


Let me give you 3+1 more reasons Fast50 is the only opt-in creation programme you need:

  • Fast50 is not a programme where I give you bunch of pdfs and a 15 minute training on the WHAT and leave it to you to figure out the HOW and the WHY. I give you the step-by-step. Not only that, I give you a plug-and-play system.
  • Fast50 is not a programme that is crowded with so much unnecessary information that it takes weeks to implement. You’ll have a killer opt-in offer ready to go out in 48 hours.
  • Fast50 is not a programme that will ask you to stalk online forums for your prospects’ deep, dark secrets or chase after random strangers with surveys. I will not allow you to get sucked into market research black holes or get struck down by analysis-paralysis.
  • And I’m not someone who started his business two months ago and is just regurgitating what he learned from a bit of creative Googling. I got these results myself (my opt-in pages convert at 70%), I know what works and I’ve done this for clients.

But, again, don’t take my word for it. Here is why existing students said they bought the course:













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